The Unexpected Beauty of Life’s Unpredictability

Mar 23, 2023

We all have expectations for how our lives should go. Society paints this picture-perfect scenario for us that we seemingly have to obey, starting with following rules in school, finding a dream job, marrying the “perfect” spouse, purchasing a home and starting a family. But life rarely unfolds like this.  

And when it doesn’t these expectations start looking like burdens, leaving us feeling like failures when our lives don’t turn out the way we had envisioned. 

It's important to recognize that it's ok for life to not look like the script society has written for us—we must remain open to our unique paths and embrace life's unpredictability.

After spending most of my life trying to do it all - have the perfect job, relationship and bank balance - I found that none of it was working out. Eventually I realized what truly made me happy: letting go expectations and listening to my inner wisdom instead! That's why this April 11th, I'm embarking on a pilgrimage walk along El Camino de Santiago in Spain – following an ancient path with hopes for new discoveries about myself.

The power of going with the flow: 

Embracing life's unpredictability sets us free to be open for the unexpected! When things don't go as planned it can feel like our world is crumbling. Acknowledge that feeling and then put something into action – one step at a time; leaving some room in life to discover new opportunities along the way.  Being unafraid of what life might bring next. This might allow us to keep discovering who we are and where life is taking us.  

For years, I struggled with the hardships of being a single parent and watching my financial situation plummet.  Once I was able to let go of the fear of failure and embrace something new - I became excited about life again! Even though living without a 401k or large assets isn't conventional success as we know it, trusting life & myself has been infinitely rewarding.

The importance of staying open-minded: 

Staying open-minded means being willing to try something new and look at things from different perspectives without any judgement or expectation of what the outcome should be. This is called non-attachment in Buddhist philosophy.  It allows us to be present in each moment without worrying about where it might lead us or if we are doing something right or wrong. This helps us to stay connected to ourselves and enjoy every experience fully. 


Unlocking your deepest reflections

Where can I benefit by letting go today?

What do you need to do to accept this situation?

How can my current situation allow me create new opportunities I never imagined before?


Wishing you a wonderful weekend.  Looking forward to hearing from you.





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