Hello, I'm Linda!

Life & Breath Coach


I specialize in guiding people just like you to connect with their authentic self, what truly lights them up and the power to achieve it!


A Holistic Approach to Transforming Your Life 👇 

Albert Einstein said,

“You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” 

(so true)

đź’ˇ the body-mind hack you need!

To solve a problem, you first need to see it clearly. To see it clearly, you must step outside your current perception of the problem in YOUR MIND. 

Breathwork, NLP, Hypnosis, TRE, Visualizations, Meditation and my Breakthrough sessions allow you to clear negativity from the body, and bring clarity & power to the mind. 


If you're seeking permanent, fast results, you're in the right place.

💥 heal your body first, your mind follows...

I offer a HOLISTIC approach to problem-solving that goes beyond just using the mind. By incorporating various techniques that address both the physical and mental aspects of the issue, I can help you achieve lasting results.

Your body is the link between your soul/highter self and your mind. 

🌱 time to grow beyond limits…

Don't continue to struggle with the same old patterns and mindsets that created the problem in the first place.
With over 37 years of expereince, I am here to help you gain a deeper understanding of your problem, release stored emotions and trauma, and rewire negative patterns that have been holding you back.
This approach not only helps you solve the problem at hand but also empowers you to create lasting change in all areas of your life. 

đź’Ş ditch the doubt, own your life...

If you are tired of wasting your precious life, waiting for enough money or time so that you can really thrive and be happy, take being on this page as a sign that now is the time. 

There is no better time for transformation than right now. 

I can’t wait to meet and take this journey with you. 

Don’t take my word for it, 

read what people are saying👇

Marina C.


At 58 years old, I reached a transitional point in my life where I felt completely lost and disconnected from myself. I knew something had to change to stop my ruminating mind from running amok.  I was filled with confusion, sadness, and self-doubt after ending a 12-year relationship that was going nowhere,  for subsequently allowing my first narcissist into my life, extreme grief at the loss of my father, anger after confronting someone who stole my innocence at six years old and apprehension at the thought of caretaking for my 94-year-old mother with dementia. After two years of therapy that I didn’t find particularly helpful, I found myself at Linda’s door and this is when my true healing journey began in fully embracing all that I am and whatever life has in store for me, and becoming the best version of myself possible.

Linda’s program helps bring to light the root of the thoughts we create in our minds in the present, which are often based on our past life experiences and traumas. She helped me understand the stories we create to cope, protect, and soothe ourselves, why I got triggered or could be so reactionary, and helped guide me to a place where instead of beating up on myself or having a victim mentality, I can feel curiosity, compassion, and self-empowerment instead. She showed me the path. Now it is up to me to continue the journey with my newfound tools to help me live, enjoy, process, and resolve whatever the universe has in store for me. Linda’s work with me was life-changing and helped me transition from just surviving to thriving. I will forever be grateful to her for her vast knowledge and compassion in helping me overcome a very difficult point in my life.

Persia R. 

“Linda’s life coaching and breath work program gave me a whole new layer and sense of calmness that I desperately needed in my life.

Honestly, my anxiety has lessened so much and I have started taking more control in my life. I have been more active in my relationships with others and have had more convenience to go to the gym.

The tools you will learn and the ways it will make you feel are indescribable.” 


Faranak F. 

“Linda’s program was brillant. Great introduction to breathing techniques and building a positive mindset. The sequence of sessions allowed me to accept people and circumstances, and let go of issues that are out of my control. 

I was able to start recognizing my own thought patterns and how these create a lot of negativity and stress in my life. I would strongly recommend the program to anyone who is looking for inner peace and joy.”

Frank F. 

“I was suffering from profound grief due to a broken relationship. I had tried everything I could do to release the negativity which was impacting my life, but I still carried around the very real pain and grief.

After a few tranformational sessions with Linda, the pain and suffering stored in my body that overwhelmed me regularly truly left my body. I can now talk about my ex without feeling grief or becoming overcome with pain. I have been able to create a life that is joyful and sweet thanks to Linda.”


My medical doctor recommended Linda. I will be forever indebted to him for his recommendation.

I’ve gone to many therapists, done emotional release work, Primal Scream therapy and talk therapy. But in a mere 3 months working with Linda  has been completely life altering for me. I have suffered from adrenal fatigue for about 30 years which no doctor could correct, severe insomnia that nothing could help, would collapse daily to nap. I would have about three hours in the morning where I could function, and after that I was virtually nonfunctional from fatigue. I also had nearly monthly outbreaks for 48 years of herpes simplex 2. But since our very first appointment I have not had any more outbreaks, I don’t need naps anymore, i’m able to stay up later, I’m able to socialize with friends because  I have enough energy now., I am getting ample and peaceful sleep, and my adrenals have finally corrected themselves.

I am a completely different person now. At peace, happy, calm, free of past memories that had haunted me for decades. And I feel empowered to greet the future with confidence and joy. Cannot recommend Linda highly enough.

Nancy M., Influencer 


Guided Breathwork Meditations

Yogic & Dynamic



(for a limited time)

I first discovered breathwork while struggling with my own emotions & ruminating negative thoughts.

AND found out that it’s unparalleled capacity to regulate emotions and mental states makes it truly transformative. 


If you are looking to...

  • Feel good inside your own skin, no matter what others say or think
  • Trust yourself & your decisions without doubt
  • Live with peace instead of overwhelm & not good enough patterns
  • Embrace your power, speak your truth & belong to yourself first and foremost
  • Align your actions with your desires & create the life you want

 Private Coaching 

Catered to your specific needs, whether you're seeking transformation in your relationships, personal life, health, family, or career. 

All sessions include breathwork, NLP, Meditations, Visualization and much more. 



Online, Self-paced, Group Support

Unique approach to group coaching.  Includes guided meditations and breathwork that will bring clarity and group discussions where you will get support. 



Featured Blogs

Check out these popular blogs about how to bridge the gap between who you are today and who you want to be tomorrow.

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Linda Vazin Signature